The Congress at Vienna in Great Consternation

Print Quality:
Transcription of Primary Source
From left to right:
Russia: Beware the ides of March
Austria: It is the part of men to fear and tremble when the most mighty gods, by tokens send such dreadful heralds to astonish us.
Sweden: Why saw you anything more wonderful!!!
Prussia: A Common slave you know him well by sight! Hold up his left hand which did flame and burn like twenty torches join’d; and yet his hand not sensible of fire remain’d unscorch’d!!!
herald: The Hero comes
Napoleon (from the Island of Elba): Tell them I come to settle that part which relates to France.
Curator Notes
Political Cartoon
Exact Title:
The Congress at Vienna in great Consternation
Probable Date:
ca. 1815
Place of Publication:
24.6 x 35.4 cm.
1 print : etching, aquatint and roulette
American Antiquarian Society
Catalog Code:
Polit. Cart. C750