How to Use This Site

In addition to providing primary source material, this website contains supplementary resources such as lesson plans and teacher introductions.

Each unit is organized into three main sections:

Teacher Resources

This section contains the following resources:

Unit Plans
Developed by teachers, unit plans provide lessons built around primary sources provided by Plans include objectives, suggested primary sources, homework, and class work as well as a list of materials needed for the lessons.
Introduction for Teachers
A concise introduction on temperance reform for teachers.
Introduction for Students
Background information on temperance reform geared towards students.
Worksheets created by teachers for teachers.
Student Assessment
Tools for student assessment.
What are Primary Sources?
A concise description of what is meant by the term "primary source."

Primary Sources

  • List of all primary sources
  • Primary sources organized by genre

The primary sources are grouped by category of material. For example, the Temperance unit contains the following genre categories: broadsides, children's literature, charts and tables, images, literature, newspapers and periodicals, and songs.

Additional Materials

This section includes a wide variety of additional resources from works of contemporary fiction, plays, sections of audio or video as well as bibliographies and links to other online resources. This information may not always be present as in some instances we have no further materials or they will be forthcoming soon.

  • Bibliography
  • Activities
  • Media
  • Related Links